Speaking at the National League of Young Men's Dinner

Allie Roth was asked to speak at the National League of Young Men's Dinner. It was a wonderful event that allowed her to share about volunteering at With Love, as well as how they could get involved. It was after the dinner that something interesting happened. This is the note she wrote to the NYLM head leader:

“What a delightful group of young men you have. I loved seeing everyone dressed up and the kind gentlemen who loaded my car were great. Thank you for allowing me to be part of such a special night. As I walked through the doors to leave, a server followed me and asked for a moment. Painfully, she told me that from age 9 – 18 she was in foster care. Her aunt adopted her brothers but stuck her in the system because she was a girl. She explained how powerful it was to see a group of kids want to give kids in foster care a better story. She was very articulate about how even now that she works, is married and is in nursing school, she is feeling the after effects of society telling her she “isn’t worth it”. She was stunned to go to work today and see a big pile of quality items that a beautiful group of boys with their parents had brought to help kids in foster care. It was unheard of for her. It was also special for me to look her in the eyes and tell her that we are trying our best for those littles who don’t have a voice like she does. And to tell her that she has beat the statistics, which isn’t easy. I was able to give her a big hug and tell her how truly thankful I am that I met her. If it wasn’t for tonight, I would not have met her and she would not have known how amazing your group is. Thank you for that moment.”